Friday, 8 August 2008

Relative pronoun and clauses

1- The beach is a place that i go to if i am feeling a little depressed and it always makes me feel better.

2- Kamelia, who is one of my closet friends, always know how to console me.

3- poligamy is a notion that i will never be able to accept.

4- An old ring, which is probably my most treasured possession, was given to me by my grand mother.

5- Few people have heard of Hicham Elgerouj who is a runner, but he is very famous in my country.

6- London which I've always dreamed of visiting, now seems to me like any other city.

Newsnight - program about China

Thank you Jim, it was really intersting to listen to the lecture about what the world think of China. It was useful in terms of langage and also in terms of the information given in this video.
I found it a little bit difficult to understand some accent but in general it was ok. In this lecture it was a comparaison, using some statistics, between the USA, the UK, Brazil and South Korea in people perception of China...
An author from USA claimed that America is not afraid from China to be the first power in the world, he also claimed that America is even helping China to be introduced in the world trading organization. India feel more sensitive about China and look at it as threaten. whereas in Africa they feel more positive about China...

Writing a paragraph using reference words

The walkman was invented by Akio Morita at the end of the twentieth century in Japan. At first he created a new pocket sized radio in 1957 but he found it very hard to sell his product. This was because it was slightly big to fit in a shirt pocket. Finally in 1979, Morita produced the walkman making it the first portable music player.


This is some vocabulary we learnd in class from The Times article "Delicate China":

Separatists: a goup of person who want to be separate from the governement.
Poured in: supplyed huge money/invested
Powerhouse: superpower
Revamped: improved
Staged: held
Boast: exageration
Vexed: finding problems and difficulties
Leaden skies: air pollution
Defuse: make something powerless
Ill-fated: bad things happened
Sparse: there is no much vegetation, trees....
Foiled: discover something before it happened and stop it.
Glitter: shining

Some advantages of the Olympic games.

When a country stages the olympic games, it's a whole economy that increases. The olympics it's one from the most important and most spectacular events that could happen in a country. The infrastracture is being improved, the old building are cleaned up, the tourism is progressing.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Topic sentence exercices

Topic SentenceExercise 1.2

Thousands of new people are born on our planet every day. The number of inhabitants in the world has already reached over six billion. If the present growth rate remains unchecked, the world may soon face wide-spread starvation, poverty, and serious health problems. __________________________________ (topic sentence).


Therefore, it is predicted that the world will face serious health problems in the near future.

The rapid growth of the world's human population is the most important problem the world needs to address.

One of the burning issues is the population explosion in third world countries.

__________________________________ (topic sentence). Arriving in the land below the Rio Grande River, the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez was surprised to see the local inhabitants raising crops that included avocados, corn, garlic and nuts. Onions, tomatoes, chilli peppers and pumpkins were also grown in the rich soil. Irrigation systems were employed in some of the drier regions. The Aztec farmers also were skilful in creating terraced gardens to make the most of the rainfall and to minimise soil erosion. Evidence shows that they employed crop rotation as well as natural fertilisers to enhance the production of their farm products.


The Aztecs of Mexico were a nation of accomplished farmers.

Hernando Cortez discovered farming in Mexico.

Mexico is blessed with rich farmland and an abundance of food products.
Bas du formulaire

Topic SentencesExercise 1.3

The most important factor is a student's past experience of study. If a student has already developed good study habits, study at university should not be difficult. Good study habits need to be complemented by interest and motivation, factors which are important when competition gets tough. We should however not underestimate the distracting effects of financial and personal difficulties. All students have to grapple with these at some stage of their university life. Beyond the personal factors it has to be said that there is also a certain element of luck involved in success: this includes finding excellent teachers and the subject matter that inspires one to give one's best.
Topic sentence: Student’s success at the university is related to many factors.

Topic sentnce
Exercise 1.4

1- There is many reasons why students panic during final exams.
The possible reasons are:
not being prepared
information overload

· being stressed
· the exam could be difficult

2. New Zealand trade efforts have recently started to focus on South America as a new destination for our export products.

Benefits of increased trade with South America are:
growing, stable major economies provide increasing trading opportunities
diverse trading opportunities throughout a huge region


Spanish is becoming an interesting language
New Zeeland is more independent than before

Words from the academic list: AWL Highlighter from the Nottingham University

File produced at level 10
The media is a huge phenomenon which takes a big part in our daily life. In the recent years, the media has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspapers, magazines, television and now the internet. It is generally agreed that the media has an incredible power and plays an immense role in education, entertainment and informing people about the latest news. However, we have to put into consideration the bad influence of media on kids, teenagers and society. On one side, the television and the other kinds of media are very essential for education with the huge amount of educational channels available for every one. The television gives us the opportunity to be aware of the latest news at the same time that it happens. On the other side, children spend more time watching television than doing their homework or doing sport activities. Moreover, they are permanently exposed to violence and sexual scenes and immoral programs. According to Mark Henderson "people who are very overweight spend more time watching television and other indoor activities than do those with healthier bodies" (The times, 19 July 2008).
In this essay it will be argued that the media influence harmfully our lives and have an impact on the public opinion. This piece of work will provide an overview of the pros and cons of the media by firstly examining its positive sides and then by looking at the negative effects of media.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Seminar's feedback

Today's seminar was really succesful. Fortunetly the group was composed from different nationalities, so we had the opportunity to get different point of view about the topic. During the weekend, I did so much research in the internet, I used the links we have in the course book and also the links in Jim's blog. The lecture we listened last Friday in the class was also very helpful. I've done enough preparation which helped me to to speak many times in the seminar, to express clearly my opinion and to give some evidence and examples about what I've said. I've also listened attentively to all my colleegues and interupted some others when they were talking a lot using the language that we learned in class. The voccabulary I used was most of it related to the topic, I've tried also to use the language of expressing opinion, interupting and agreeing or desagreeing as much as Icould. Pretty much all the member of the group, including myself, tried to keep the discussion in the right direction.
To summarise I would say that the seminar was great, people with each other. I've expressed my opinion clearly in every time that I've spoken and I think that everyone was able to understand what Iwas saying.

Some notes for the seminar

1- The closed-circuit television:

* The CCTV images is a form of surveillance that provide evidence for the police and lead to the arrest of criminals.

* When a crime takes place, officers have to walk the route involved identifying cameras and hoping to sequester evidence.

* A director of security solutions at british defense contractor said that London neds to move from the after-the event- analysis to the after- the event- anticipation.

* This technology is called The real time video analysis and it's in use at New Jersey.

* London is one of the most surveilled zone in the world, and spend over 3 quarters of the budget of the home office crime prevention to fund the introduction of CCTV system in public places.

* A governement report claims that CCTV are of little help in the fight against crimes.

* Privacy international believes this current situation with CCTV is dangerous and unacceptable. Surveillance should not be conducted without legal protection.

2- DNA database:

* The Britain stores the most extensive DNA database on its population in the world.

* One in four men could be soon included on the national database.

* The database has been estabilished with a little or no public consultation but over the past ten years has collected DNA profiles on more than 3.5 million people.

* The database increase at the rate of 40.000 profiles a month.

* Everyone who has ever been arested by the police, even if he is not charged, is obliged to provide DNA sample for the national database.