Monday, 4 August 2008

Seminar's feedback

Today's seminar was really succesful. Fortunetly the group was composed from different nationalities, so we had the opportunity to get different point of view about the topic. During the weekend, I did so much research in the internet, I used the links we have in the course book and also the links in Jim's blog. The lecture we listened last Friday in the class was also very helpful. I've done enough preparation which helped me to to speak many times in the seminar, to express clearly my opinion and to give some evidence and examples about what I've said. I've also listened attentively to all my colleegues and interupted some others when they were talking a lot using the language that we learned in class. The voccabulary I used was most of it related to the topic, I've tried also to use the language of expressing opinion, interupting and agreeing or desagreeing as much as Icould. Pretty much all the member of the group, including myself, tried to keep the discussion in the right direction.
To summarise I would say that the seminar was great, people with each other. I've expressed my opinion clearly in every time that I've spoken and I think that everyone was able to understand what Iwas saying.

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