Thursday 3 July 2008


This is a survey research for pre-sessional course at London Metropolitan University. The research aims to find out if London Met students are influenced by the latest fashion and how much they spend on and finally what they think about fashion.

1) Gender:

a- Male
b- Female

2) Age:

a- 18 - 20
b- 21 – 25
c- 26 – 30
d- 30 – 40
e- More than 40

3) Education:
a- Senior high school
b- Undergraduate
c- Postgraduate
d- PHD

4) Do you have a part time job?

a- Yes
b- No

5) How much do you earn per month?

a- Under £300
b- 300 – 400
c- 400 – 500
d- Over £500

6) How much do you get from your sponsors?

a- Under £500
b- 500 – 600
c- 600 – 700
d- Over £700

7) How often do you shop per month?

a- Once
b- Twice
c- 3 times
d- More than 3 times

8) How much do you spend on shopping per month?

a- Under £100
b- 100 – 200
c- 200 – 300
d- More than £300

9) What kind of stuff do you usually buy?

a- Clothes
b- Shoes
c- Accessories

10) What’s influence your choice in shopping?

a- Posters in front of shops
b- Newspapers and magazines
c- TV
d- Celebrities

11) What do you think of fashion?

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