Friday, 25 July 2008

Seminar's feedback

After reading some articles and watching a lecture, today we've had a seminar about media and television. We were divided into small groups of four or five people. Each group was composed from different nationalities to have as much information as possible. I believe that not only listening to lectures, reading and writing are important in university study, seminars are also essentials to complete our learning.

The seminar that we've just had was very successful, it gave us the opportunity to interact with each other and to know more about other cultures habits in watching television. We have also talked about the reality TV, the new phenomene that has emerged in our televisions and his negative effects on the society especially children. People are catched by the stereotypical views sent by TV and make them confuse reality. During the seminar, some of those common stereotypes examples were given and disscussed.

This was the first seminar for me and i thimk i did well on it and i know that i could do better next time. Every thing was good, we listened to really interesting views and opinions and got so much new information. only one thing that could've been a problem for me and also for other people, is that sometimes when the teacher was listening to us i was just finished wath i was saying and not speaking at that time, so this might give the teacher the impression that I wasn't participating enough.

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