Thursday, 3 July 2008


1- Abhorrence: horror, fear
Exp: His abhorrence of flying is coming back in each time he is travelling by plane.

2- Alacrity: be happy and enthusiastic to do something
Exp: He accepted our invitation with alacrity

3- Beastliness: very bad and horrible behaviour, the adjective is beastly
Exp: The beastliness of his manners always causes him problems

4- Jubilant: very happy, and the signs of happiness are very clear and appear in your face, very excited.
Exp: She was jubilant over her daughter’s marriage

5- Junkie: is someone addicted to drugs. We can also use the word for someone who really likes something like chocolate, sugar or football.

6- Peripatetic: people who don’t stay in the some place. People who move a lot.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Usually for example, we write e.g.